Meet me {Elissa}

Hey, my name’s Elissa . I am so excited to start showing you guys my life!

I live in: Darwin Australia

I love: To go to my horse riding lessons & sing

I am learning the: Piano

My favorite colour is: Pink and turquoise

My schools name is: Marrara Christain College

Do I like school:  LOVE IT!!!!

My favorite subject is: English [monologues]

My parents job for the past 5 years is to look after ten indigenous girls, they go back to their community in the holidays. They live downstairs & we live on the top floor. Some times they stay for a while, others get really home-sick & leave straight away!

So next year we’re leaving Darwin for 6 months and heading to Chile & South America.

I guess you know a lot about me now! Come & see me when I have put something new up. BYE!!!!!!!!


9 thoughts on “Meet me {Elissa}

  1. You do have a very interesting life. I look forward t following your blog while you are in Chile. See you in a couple f weeks !❤️️❤️️❤️️Nanny Jan


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